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SPOTTED ! The Whispering Witch Rumors

The Whispering Witch

The Whispering Witch
Messages : 10

Psst, have you heard the latest rumors swirling around the wizarding world?


Whispering Witch, here folks !

The Minister of Mischief's got some nasty jokes,

Collecting his own chocofrogs, what a surprise,

Wonder what other secrets he tries to disguise!

Yours Truly,

The Whispering Witch

In French Please ? :

Alors, mes chers Sorcières et Sorciers, attachez vos ceintures car ça va être mouvementé !
Êtes-vous prêts pour une dose de potins magiques qui vont vous laisser sans voix ?
Allez, faites-moi plaisir... qui veut du thé ?

C'est par ICI !
The Whispering Witch

The Whispering Witch
Messages : 10

Psst, have you heard the latest rumors swirling around the wizarding world?


Our free-spirited beauty,

has been dumped by her latest flame

Noncommittal hearts, who's to blame?

She's taking it hard, so they say,

But as her track record speaks for itself,

I know she'll find love her way.

Yours Truly,

The Whispering Witch

In French Please ? :

Nous avons tous des secrets à garder... Et d'autres à dévoiler.

Qui sera le prochain à me les confier ?

Je vous attends ICI, mes très chères compères commères  !
The Whispering Witch

The Whispering Witch
Messages : 10

Psst, have you heard the latest rumors swirling around the wizarding world?


Hey there, Little Wizards, Whispering Witch here,
With juicy news that's sure to bring you some cheer.
Rumors swirl that Mrs. Love is part Veela,
Adding to her allure, making her even more bella.

Our eyes are on Miss Perfect-in-Chief,
Whose charm has left many in disbelief.
Could it be that Veela blood runs through her veins?
No wonder suitors are driven insane.

But wait, there's more to this tale,
And it's sure to make you turn pale.
But hold onto your wands, this theory is truly viral.
Did Ulysse burn down like a harpy in a spiral?

As always, dear readers, you heard it here first.
Keep your eyes and ears open for more gossip,
because when it comes to the Wizarding World,
Anything is possible.

Yours Truly,

The Whispering Witch

In French Please ? :

Asseyez-vous confortablement sur votre balai, chers sorciers et sorcières.
Vous pensez avoir tout lu dans le monde de la magie ?
Détrompez-vous, car notre prochain potin va vous faire frissonner de la tête aux pieds.

Mais serez-vous le prochain à me le chuchoter ICI?
The Whispering Witch

The Whispering Witch
Messages : 10

Psst, have you heard the latest rumors swirling around the wizarding world?


The widowed professor

with the shape of a wolf,

Getting cozy, late at night,

with a young animal defensor,

Is their relationship purely canine,

Or something more, that's quite divine?

We'll have the nose to uncover !

Yours Truly,

The Whispering Witch

In French Please ? :

Alors mes petits loups, avez-vous d'autres secrets à me conter ?

J'ai de la réserve, mais vous savez que vous êtes mes sources préférées…

Retrouvez-moi ICI, je vous attends bien sagement.
The Whispering Witch

The Whispering Witch
Messages : 10

Psst, have you heard the latest rumors swirling around the wizarding world?


Whispering Witch is here with scandalous news,
A teacher's romance has Hogwarts all confused.
He's been wooing a student, the rumors say,
And tongues are wagging about it every day.

But who's the student that's caught his eye?
The gossip mill is spinning, we can't deny.
We're all waiting for the truth to be revealed,
To see which student in Hogwarts has sealed the deal.

Yours Truly,

The Whispering Witch

In French Please ? :

Préparez-vous à être ensorcelés, mes chers sorciers et sorcières,
Car le prochain potin que je m'apprête à vous révéler est aussi intense que le sortilège d'Imperium.
Attachez bien vos ceintures et accrochez-vous, ça va décoiffer !

Pointe ta baguette par ICI !
The Whispering Witch

The Whispering Witch
Messages : 10

Psst, have you heard the latest rumors swirling around the wizarding world?

@Poudlard  @Ministère  @Sorciers  @Sainte-Mangouste   @Gryffondor  @Poufsouffle @Serpentard  @Serdaigle


The raven whispers a secret sly,
About Jade Weimer, with a suspect tie.
Seen coming out of a broom closet space,
With Noma Karma, an expert in wand's grace.

What's brewing between these two?
The rumor has it, Karma showed what he knew,
Of wand handling to the director in a spot,
That seems just a tad bit hot.

Yours Truly,

The Whispering Witch

In French Please ? :

Mes chers sorciers et sorcières,
Vous pensiez avoir tout entendu ? Ah ah ah, détrompez-vous !
Le prochain potin que je vais vous révéler est bien plus croustillant que le pudding de Hagrid.
Préparez vos baguettes, ça va chauffer !

Suis la carte du Maraudeur jusqu'ICI !
The Whispering Witch

The Whispering Witch
Messages : 10

Psst, have you heard the latest rumors swirling around the wizarding world?

@Poudlard  @Ministère  @Sorciers  @Sainte-Mangouste   @Gryffondor  @Poufsouffle @Serpentard  @Serdaigle


The Whispering Witch is on the prowl,
A juicy rumor to make you howl,
A studious Ravenclaw, daughter of hunters,
Caught by portraits catching a snake
into her net.

Their lips locked, the moment was sweet,
Before the Ravenclaw made a retreat,
What does she want to hide ?
Is this the start of a Hogwarts divide?

Yours Truly,

The Whispering Witch

In French Please ? :

Mes très chères vipères,
Dévoilez-moi tous vos secrets, je suis sûre que vous en avez des centaines à me partager !

Comment m'écrire, me demandez-vous ? Tout vous est expliqué juste ICI !

Laissez-vous tenter, surprenez-moi.
The Whispering Witch

The Whispering Witch
Messages : 10

Psst, have you heard the latest rumors swirling around The Wizarding World ?
@Poudlard  @Sainte-Mangouste  @Gryffondor  @Serdaigle  @Serpentard  @Poufsouffle  @Sorciers  


The Ice Prince and Miss Perfect-in-Chief

In the Owlery, a rendezvous so brief.

Whispers of a secret kiss take flight,

Underneath the moon's enchanting light.

Little birdie told me,

The Golden Joker doesn’t know

His heart still can’t see,

As the rumor continues to grow

Yours Truly,
The Whispering Witch

In French Please ? :

Alors, mes chères créatures ensorcelantes, c'est l'heure de conclure notre petit bal des secrets dévoilés.
Mais n'ayez crainte, l'histoire ne fait que commencer.

Et la théière chauffe, et pour la prochaine tasse de thé, bien corsée, c'est par ICI !

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